Meet Glutathione – The “Mother of All Antioxidants”
What Is Glutathione and Why Should You Care About It?
Glutathione (pronounced “gloota-thigh-own”) is found in all mammal tissues, and it is one of the body’s most natural protectors. Glutathione is one of the most vital, natural antioxidant molecules our body needs to remain in optimal health, but most likely you have never heard about it until now. Why is that? Well, this is not a classic antioxidant therapy that you can purchase at your local health food store or vitamin shop. Instead, to have glutathione in abundance, it has to be manufactured by the body. Glutathione is a tripeptide antioxidant enzyme found inside every single cell in the body, and it is produced by combining the three amino acids glutamate, cysteine, and glycine.
What Role Does Glutathione Play?
The glutathione antioxidant enzyme is vital to removing toxins lurking within the body, reducing oxidative stress – the damage was done by free radicals and slowing down the aging process.
Low Glutathione Levels Are Dangerous
Glutathione deficiency has been associated with a myriad of chronic, inflammatory and neurological degenerative diseases. The lack of this naturally occurring antioxidant has been associated with instances of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and many other symptoms.
Dr. Mark Hyman says, a low glutathione level, “leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and cancer. And your liver gets overloaded and damaged, making it unable to do its job of detoxification.”
Glutathione deficiency has been linked to:
- Age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- Heart and Immunological Disorders
- Insulin resistance
- Head-to-toe inflammatory conditions
- Mitochondrial dysfunction, which affects energy levels
- Muscle weakness and fatigue
Whereas, an abundance of Glutathione offers:
- Increased cell energy production
- Enhanced tissue health
- Improved blood circulation
- Better immunity and tissue repair, and
- Cellular regeneration
Glutathione has been used to help relieve symptoms related to everything from Autism to Alzheimer’s.
Watch Video To Learn About The Importance of Increasing Glutathione in Your Body
Glutathione Offers Protection From Oxidative Stress, Heavy Metals, and Toxins
Known as the “Mother of All Antioxidants” – Glutathione is an essential enzyme critical in protecting our cells from oxidative stress, and it is one of the most integral parts of the body’s detoxification system. According to the Natural News, “The power behind glutathione is the sulfur chemical groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky molecule that acts like fly paper attracting toxins and heavy metals in the body to stick to it.” Most toxins lurking inside our body can stick to glutathione like flies to sticky fly paper, which then carries these damaging toxins into the bile, into the stool and out of the body.
BAD NEWS: When the toxic load is high, this natural process breaks down and without the right pre-cursers and health conditions, which is the case for most people, the process of making your glutathione is severely degraded. Poor diet, pollution, toxins, harsh-care medications, cellular stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation exposure all deplete the body’s cellular glutathione level.
GOOD NEWS: When you body receives the appropriate nutrients from food, your body correctly regulates glutathione, and it is recycled naturally.
What Are Some Traditional Ways of Boosting Glutathione?
One can try taking an over the counter oral glutathione supplement, opt to receive a nasal spray or even an injection of glutathione from a doctor. However, these methods have their drawbacks.
For example, oral glutathione supplements have repeatedly performed poorly in studies due to it lack of bioavailability and low absorption rates. Therefore, these supplements fail to deliver on their promises because they can hardly make it past nature’s stomach acid barrier.
Some practitioners have reported success with intravenous glutathione formulations, and although this method works quickly and recipients see benefits in less than 30 minutes. Intravenous glutathione is invasive, expensive, and often is inaccessible for the average individual. In fact, it could be dangerous if not properly administered.
Check out the success Dr. Perlmutter has had with administering intravenous glutathione to one of his patients. The results are very revealing.
According to WebMD, “The best studies on glutathione have been conducted in cancer. One study involved women with ovarian cancer who were being treated with chemotherapy. Some of the women were also treated with intravenous glutathione. Those given the glutathione not only had fewer side effects from the chemotherapy but also had better overall survival rates.”
The Antioxidant Paradigm Shift Is Just Beginning
As we fight the on-going war of oxidative stress, people continue to take synthetic antioxidants. Recent studies reveal high doses of over-the-counter antioxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta-carotene can be harmful to the body instead of beneficial. Without a doubt eating healthy is important and that is where the foundation for your external antioxidants. However, scientists and researchers say providing the body with essential phytonutrients activates the body’s cells to wake up and make antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione, which have the ability to reduce cellular and oxidative stress in the body.
Increase Glutathione and Reduce Oxidative Stress
There is a shift occurring within the scientific community away from taking antioxidants to finding ways to trigger our bodies to make key antioxidant enzymes. There is a revolutionary dietary supplement that has a potent composition of phytonutrients (turmeric extract, green tea, milk thistle, bacopa, and ashwagandha root). This combination of ingredients has been proven through peer-reviewed research to increase glutathione levels by as much as 300% in a four-month period. This increase in glutathione can reduce your oxidative stress by 40% on average.
A peer-reviewed article entitled, Oxidative stress in health and disease: the therapeutic potential of Nrf2 activation, represented significant modulation involving not only antioxidant enzymes like glutathione, but according to the study the natural enzymes related to colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
“Scientists saw significant increases in the levels of total glutathione” when this NRF2 activator was given.
What other ways are there to stimulate natural glutathione production?
Coffee Enema’s: You Don’t Drink This Coffee. Instead, You Shoot It Rectally!
According to the Gersin Institute, the purpose of coffee enemas is to remove toxins accumulated in the liver and to eliminate free radicals from the bloodstream. Doctors at the University of Minnesota showed that coffee administered rectally also stimulates an enzyme system in the liver called glutathione S-transferase by 600%-700% above normal activity levels, but who is down for one of these?
Non-Denatured Whey Protein: One of the best foods for a reliable production of glutathione is a high-quality whey protein. Again, however, not all whey proteins are manufactured equally. The whey must not be denatured in any fashion. It must be cold pressed derived from grass-fed cows, free of hormones, chemicals, and sugar.
A high-quality whey should include the highest levels of critical amino acids for glutathione production and naturally occurring glutathione precursors glutamylcysteine, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and active peptides that assist the body in converting these amino acids to glutathione.
Raw milk products, raw, fresh eggs and meat: High levels of glutathione are found in fresh, uncooked meats and raw milk, but it is negligible in pasteurized dairy products.
Raw Fresh fruits and vegetables: Once cooked most of the key enzymes, which make glutathione are cooked out of the fruits and veggies, so you won’t find much help there. Raw Spinach, kale, potatoes, asparagus, avocado, squash, okra, cauliflower, broccoli, walnuts, garlic, and tomatoes are ideal, but again eating these sources raw is the ONLY way to go.
Natural Herbs: Glutathione is crucial for detoxification and can become depleted from acetaminophen, alcohol consumption, heavy metals, and toxins. Milk thistle is an important source of the antioxidant compound silymarin, which may help to prevent glutathione depletion in the liver and can encourage the liver’s output of glutathione by as much as 35%!
Curcumin induces glutathione biosynthesis. Curcumin gives turmeric its orange color. However, not all turmeric is created equal either. Turmeric must be of the highest quality. A high-quality source of turmeric should be organic, properly ground, and additive free.
Herbs are better consumed in tandem.
Reader – With this knowledge, why aren’t more in the medical community talking about this essential antioxidant and educating others?
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Provided by Glutathione Pathway
We’ve already expressed just how critical Glutathione (GSH) is to your health, and acting as your first antioxidant line of defense within every cell in your body. The benefits of glutathione cascade out from its inherent health advantages and studies continue.
Anti-Aging – The free radical theory suggests reactive oxygen species can build up over time causing damage and breaking down your ability to resist and recover from degenerative conditions. Your body produces less glutathione as it ages, and low glutathione levels are correlated with nearly all age-related illnesses. There is a strong case for Glutathione being an important player in protecting and ameliorating age-related disease.
Because production of Glutathione slows as you age and working with the free-radical theory of aging and fitting other theories as well, there is research being done on the link between GSH and aging itself. So glutathione could have anti-aging benefits beyond simply being connected to mitigating the degenerative illnesses that come with age.
Antiviral Activity – Glutathione is your first line of defense. When a virus gains a foothold in your body, it can replicate and take hold quickly, while depleting GSH levels. There’s evidence to suggest (at least in the case of HSV-1) that adding GSH will not only help restore levels but inhibits replication of the virus. Anyone struggling with a viral infection may find glutathione assisting in restoring their immune function and lowering the viral load stressing the body.
Brain and Cognitive Function – Your brain uses a lot of oxygen, and as such creates a lot of oxidative stress. Maintaining glutathione levels in the brain is crucial as low glutathione levels show a closed link to learning and synaptic plasticity deficits. Low glutathione levels are found in autism, dementia, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s patients as well.
DNA – Your blood itself responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout your body and carrying your genetic code, is protected by GSH. Glutathione has been shown to protect against DNA strand breakage by KBrO(3). DNA damage can lead to DNA mutation, mutated cells then replicate and can cause other issues. If Glutathione can repair damaged DNA and limit mutation factors, as studies are beginning to show, Glutathione could be crucial to healthy DNA.
Heavy Metal Chelator – Glutathione binds to well-known toxic metalloids such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and others. The buildup of heavy metals in the body can be a slow process from any number of pollutants you are unknowingly exposed to. You may even experience ‘unexplained’ symptoms because the build up is so slow. Glutathione plays a crucial role as a potent chelator, a primary cellular responder, transporter and excretion of heavy metals. GSH levels are a biomarker for toxic metal overload. If you have an abundance of metals lingering in your blood stream, then it is likely to lower glutathione levels. If you don’t rid your body of these metals, then they will probably end up in your bone marrow.
Immune System Health – Your immune system is an elaborate coalition of cells from different parts of the body that protect you from invading bacteria, viruses, pollutants, toxins, and infection. Once again GSH molecules are your body’s primary defense and enhance the function of T-cells that is your body’s way of killing sick cells. GSH will promote the survival of activated T cells.
Liver Health and Protection – Your liver is a crucial organ that regulates over 500 enzymatic reactions throughout your body. That’s beyond it’s more visible role in clearing toxins, and environmental intruders and chemicals like alcohol from your body.
Your liver is the only organ where mitochondrial glutathione is produced, so it’s important to keep optimal levels of GSH and precursors so that production can continue.
Livers showing low glutathione levels are increasingly susceptible to drug-induced damage that can induce mitochondrial injury, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Having low liver glutathione levels to begin with seems to augment the potential for damage. Your liver health is critically linked to your levels of glutathione.
Whole Body Health
Glutathione acting as an anti-inflammatory, cellular protector, anti-oxidant, and heavy metal chelator is your body’s ultimate system of health defense. Its depletion is linked to countless diseases, and negative health conditions, especially when combined with harmful stress factors like toxins, viruses and pollution.
The list of the benefits for glutathione is only the beginning. Stay tuned to the Complete Wellness Report to stay up to date.
Learn more about the “Master Antioxidant” here:
(H/T) What is Glutathione
(H/T) Glutathione: The Body’s Most Protective Antioxidant And Best Kept Secret
(H/T) Essential Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants
(H/T) 7 Ways to Boost Your Glutathione: raw foods, vital whey and more
(H/T) Scientific Basis of Coffee Enemas
(H/T) Glutathione Deficiency Due to Toxic Overload on the Rise